Innovating Insulation Removal Bags

At Tough Bags, we don't just make removal bags. We use them every day and strive to make them better.

ToughBags | Insulation Vacuum Bags

Tough Bags was founded by a group of insulation removal contractors who decided they couldn't tolerate the subpar removal bags available on the market. The low quality and constant tearing of these bags made every removal project significantly more challenging. When you're working in 110+ degree attics, the last thing anyone wants to worry about is the performance of the removal vacuum machine.

Our team embarked on an extensive search, examining over 30 different types of materials, and ultimately developed one of the world's first patented insulation removal bags. In addition to material testing, we conducted thorough assessments of sewing techniques, CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) ratings, and friction tests. This effort led us to an affordable, durable solution that we proudly offer today.